Health Store Mastermind Forum creates ‘safe space’ for retailers to talk shop 

The first in a new series of Health Store Mastermind Forums took place earlier this month, generating a lively, interactive discussion on a range of topical retailing issues. 

Around 30 retailers took part in the first of the informal ‘drop in’ Zoom sessions, co-hosted by Health Stores UK and Cheryl Thallon, owner of Viridian Nutrition and Daventry-based Sheaf Street Health Store.

Designed to be a friendly meeting place, where stores help each other solve tricky business issues and share opportunities and inspiration, the first Forum covered a wide range of issues that “keep retailers up at night” – from running costs to out of date stock, cash flow to business insurance. Talking through these challenges enabled the group to share tips, practical advice and specialist knowledge with each other. 

Cheryl commented: “The sessions offer a ‘safe space’ for retailers to talk frankly to each other about their day to day experiences, and we really hope more retailers will join us so that we can create a regular forum for collaborating and taking our businesses to the next level.”

Look out for dates of future Health Store Mastermind Forums on the Health Stores UK website ( The sessions are free to Health Store UK members and £15 for non-members (redeemable against membership if a store joins within 90 days). 

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